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A massage performed while you sit in a specially designed portable massage chair fully clothed lasting any from 5-20 minutes, using NO oil. Can be used at offices, healthcare settings, athletic events, employee appreciation and special events.

Usually covers the neck, shoulders, back, and hands. Can be adapted to your needs. Leaves you feeling FOCUSED, MORE PRODUCTIVE and REJUVENATED!

Set a time, arrange for a session or establish a regular schedule TODAY!

The massage chair easily set up and dismantled in almost any location.

Cost $75.00/hour

A minimum booking of 2 hours.

Payment is due at the completion of appointment

Have more questions give me a call at 216.297.0882

Benefits to Employers

Improves loyalty to company
Retain more quality employees
Lower absenteeism rates
Lower healthcare costs
Valuable recruiting tool

Benefits to Employees
Improves energy levels
Reduces physical fatigue
Increased productivity
Boost immune system
Reduces workplace tension